Nome Completo / Full Name
Jorge Manuel da Silva Figueiredo

Gabinete / Office
1.38, edifício 12, Campus Azurém

Telefone / Phone
253 510 442 / 604 060

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Categoria / Category
Professor Auxiliar/Assistant Professor

Indicador / Researcher indicator
Orcid: 0000-0001-9036-1309

Página pessoal / personal page

Palavras chave / Keywords
Mathematical modelling. Finite volume numerical methods. Shallow-water problems.

Currículo Resumido / Short resume

First degree in Physics/Applied Mathematics (University of Porto, Portugal), DEA in Astrophysics and Space Techniques (University of Paris, France), PhD in Applied Mathematics/Astronomy (University of Porto, Portugal).
Jorge Figueiredo is a staff member of the Mathematics Department at the School of Science of Minho University in Portugal. Recent publications are mainly devoted to mathematical modelling and numerical methods in the framework of the numerical solution of the non-linear shallow-water problem using high-order finite volume methods.